Saturday, January 9, 2010


I feel like an alien today. As if everyone I see around me has a entirely different way of perceiving "reality", or this thing they call such. I can relate to their perspective, but such doesn't hold my attention in any way.

Finding the words isn't so easy, or perhaps it is easy there are just so many to express. I don't care about a starting point anymore, start anywhere, everything leads to the same place. How can everything lead to the same place, the same state of whateverness? Because everything is resolving to a higher state, and the higher state of each thing is aligned with the higher state of all things, so there can only be one eventuality.

Potential, thats a good point of reference, within each manifested thing there is potential. Then of course that which has not yet come to be is pure potential, or exists as a distant idea or complilation of words and concepts. No object or being is one thing, for in time everything changes, thus becoming new.
But the world around me doesn't seem to notice this energy, this undeniable truth. Okay, so there is recognition, but what to do with such a little tidbit of information? Even in acknowledgement of the transient nature of the manifest there must be more, purpose or direction is called for.

For instance all the business cards on the board here at the cafe, each one a whole world of potential. Each little card, with name, number, and function, is a universe that could unfold. Yet we contain such in a little box, in a practical and neat little package.
First you need money, sometimes you can exchange or trade for services or goods, but that is rarely. Why? Because the creators of these cards need money... oh, I can't even get past this thick skin that surrounds the subject. I am emmersed in this pattern of energy, and to pull the blanket away and reveal the true dynamic existence of life is not easy. I've come to the point where I just need to express this, just need to state it and get out the words. The idea of pulling anyones blanket of reality away is discerning... I could care less really, other than in the context that this world isnt easy to exist within while holding a rather distant understanding of the metaphysics all around.

I'm an alien, I don't want money, I don't want things, this makes me unique from a good percent of all people... I can't be separate, I can't be so different that there is no relation. But in my heart I feel changed, very changed.
When I came out of that little cage and was released into the world a virgin slate of a person there was no doubt that I have fallen into a unique string of being. Looking around at all the busily bustling people there was no distance, but rather a thin sheet across my view that made it all look like a movie. They are actors, but they do not know the script...and they have forgotten what is real.
I relish the fact that all the information is within, all the truth, all the right questions. Experience inspires the questions to be realized and in awareness become something new, and answer, a truth. For me, this is very important, never forget this. We watch life progress through an equation that never ends, that never equals zero. We each have the whole history of life up to our birth within, and we dance along the river of paradox remembering the future past. Oh, I love the Absolute, enough that the practical application just doesn't matter, it just isn't that important. Certainly it should be right? I should be trying to excel, to blossom and bring about some sort of greatness into the world. But the world is already great, it is already magnificent, beautiful, many seem to have become so distracted.
Distract becomes illusion, and the Absolute becomes the wishy washy spiritual agenda of those who simply cannot accept the conditions of their life.

more to write going to have to come back to this.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

don't stop. update. I am folowing with a mothers heart.